Hands-on OTA Skills Labs

During the online Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) program, you will complete a series of 12 OTA skills labs throughout six weekends. Taught by certified, highly experienced instructors, these labs allow you to apply what you will learn online and practice hands-on skills.

The six core areas of occupational therapy practice include:

  • Children and youth
  • Productive aging
  • Health and wellness
  • Mental health
  • Rehabilitation and disability
  • Work and industry

Furthermore, we schedule your skills labs in advance, so you know when and where your labs will occur when you start the program. You’ll complete labs with a cohort of your peers, meaning you’ll have like-minded individuals to lean on for support throughout your time in the St. Kate’s OTA program.

While you don’t have to live in a state where skills labs are offered to participate in the program, you will need to travel to the skills lab site location six weekends throughout the program.

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Personalized Instruction

Our OTA skills labs have a student-to-instructor ratio of 12 to 1 to ensure you receive highly personalized instruction and immediate feedback in a close-knit educational setting. We designed these labs, which cover the six core practice areas of the occupational therapy profession, to prepare you for the supervised fieldwork required to complete the program.

Skills Labs Locations

OTA skills labs are offered in Virginia, Texas, Minnesota, and California. Talk to a counselor about what location best suits your needs and get recommendations on housing, travel and other options to make your time completing labs run smoothly.

close up of stethoscope and iPad on desk

For More Information

Contact us to learn more about our OTA skills labs and move toward a career as an occupational therapy assistant.