OTA Program Fieldwork

Building upon your skills and lab experiences, fieldwork is critical in your OTA education, helping you transition from student to practitioner. Online coursework and simulation labs are how you can learn and practice your initial skills. Fieldwork, however, provides the real-world firsthand experience you’ll need to practice professionally.


Your OTA program fieldwork will take place in different occupational therapy settings. Divided into two levels, Fieldwork I and Fieldwork II, the experiences give you direct access to clients of all ages and situations in a real-world setting.

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Level I Fieldwork

Level I Fieldwork introduces you to the fieldwork experience so you can develop a basic comfort level when working to understand client needs. The intent is to enrich your online coursework through direct observation and select participation rather than to develop independent performance. 

Level II Fieldwork

Level II Fieldwork allows you to apply the theoretical and scientific principles you learned during your didactic coursework. You can address actual client needs and develop a professional identity as an occupational therapy practitioner, sometimes in an interdisciplinary context.

woman showing older patient notes on paper
OTA helping elderly patient with pills

Fieldwork Hours

Your OTA program fieldwork experiences will occur on a set schedule throughout your curriculum, allowing you to apply your knowledge in the real world. Your fieldwork includes:

  • Three-day intensive experience in group-model virtual Level I Fieldwork focused on psychosocial conditions and practice.
  • Three-day intensive experience in Level I Fieldwork in psychosocial setting.
  • Eight weeks full-time in a traditional model Level II Fieldwork in a physical disabilities practice setting.
  • Eight weeks full-time in a traditional model Level II Fieldwork working in an emerging practice setting or special interest area.

Fieldwork Settings

You can expect to complete your OTA program fieldwork in four approved settings.

Common OTA practice settings are hospitals, schools, nursing homes, outpatient centers, and mental health facilities. We conveniently offer fieldwork opportunities across the United States. A dedicated fieldwork coordinator will work with you to identify the best possible locations for your needs.

student high-fiving elderly woman

For More Information

Want to learn more about St. Kate’s level I or II fieldwork and how it will enhance your educational experience? Speak to an admission advisor.

view of tree outside on campus

The Ultimate Guide to Occupational Therapy and OTA

Get answers to your questions about the field, about the OTA career path, and about St. Catherine University’s Online OTA program.

book with cover title: Occupational Therapy Assistant Explained